Episode 052—It’s Britney Bitch (feat. Hannah Weilbacher, The B-Sides)
In a blast from the not-so-distant past, we're revisiting the tumultuous break up and deeply problematic aftermath of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears. Join us and our guest, host of the B-Sides Podcast, Hannah Weilbacher as we seek Justice for Britney!
More on Hannah
Hannah is the founder and co-host of The B-Sides, a pop music appreciation podcast and corner of the internet. She believes in community organizing and the healing power of a good Taylor Swift bridge. She lives in Astoria, Queens. If you're a progressive who loves pop music, listen to The B-Sides podcast and learn more about the project at listentothebsides.com.
Check out Hannah’s podcast at @listentothebsides on Instagram
Our Lovely Guest, Hannah Weilbacher(Photo Credit: Richard Rankin)
Framing Britney Spears: Movie by NYTimes
Original Theme: Garreth Spinn
Original Art: Sarah Cruz
SPONSORS: This season of Shared History is sponsored by RAYGUN, ECBG Cake Studio & The Banditry Co.