Episode 061—I Got Rhythm And All That Jazz And More

Math, science, astronomy, music, poetry... this week, we decided to tackle every area of study. First, Cass serenades us with the International Sweethearts of Rhythm: the first fully integrated, all-female band in the United States. They changed the game in modern jazz. Then, Natalie introduces us to Wang Zhenyi, 18th c. Chinese mathematician, scientist, astronomer, poet, et. al. who excelled at breaking down and explaining all of those things so that dumb dumbs like us could understand it. Ladies really do be doing the most!

International Sweethearts of Rhythm

Couple of members of ISR

International Sweethearts on stage

Wang Zhenyi illustration from Rachel Ignotofsky

Wang Zhenyi illustration from Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls

Wang Zhenyi illustration


International Sweethearts: Wiki, NPR, The Girls in the Band

Wang Zhenyi: Massive Science, wiki, scientific women


Original Theme: Garreth Spinn

Original Art: Sarah Cruz

SPONSORS: This season of Shared History is sponsored by RAYGUN, ECBG Cake Studio & The Banditry Co.


Episode 062—Bittersweet Sapphony (feat. the Sweetbitter Podcast)


Episode 060—Saved By The Door (feat. Raymond J. Lee)