Episode 020—My Kingdom for a Fife (feat. Michael Nardone)
More Scottish history than your body can handle! Jk, it is a lot, but we believe in you. Michael Nardone is here to shower us with oodles of fun Fife facts…
Episode 017—Where My Ladies At? (feat. Nalini Chetty)
History favors the male. Or, more specifically, the way history has been recorded and taught favors the male. Nalini Chetty joins us…
Episode 012—See You in the Past! (feat. Grant O’Rourke)
Murder! Intrigue! A Naked Bum! We're examining the murder of Lord Darnley. After first regretting and then rejoicing in his decision to be on this podcast in the first place, Grant O'Rourke makes his debut as the official history via public transit liaison for Edinburgh.